Image Descriptions


This website has a pale purple background and presents its title, “Lizartistry” large, dark purple, in a custom typeface that looks like brushstrokes, and centered at the top. To the left are text navigation links and to the right is a black “Contact Me” button. At the bottom is a footer with a black background. On the left is a portrait illustration of a person with shoulder-length black hair, glasses, and an assymetrical nose, next to the title “Lizartistry” in pink and the same custom typeface that looks like brushstrokes. The center of the footer has the Instagram camera logo linked to Instagram and the Twitter bird logo linked to Twitter. On the right is a text link to “” Aside from the “Lizartistry” title, all of the text on the site is presented in a highly-legible, non-serif font.

Home Page

The Home Page has the same header and footer described in the website image description above. Below the header are three images of Lizartistry graphics with slightly cropped and rounded edges. Each image is a link and text appears when the cursor hovers over each image. Below the images is a link to download the “Abortion Resources Map” and “Personal Abortion Safety Plan.” Below is a section with a peach background containing a the same portrait illustration that is in the footer and black text describing Lizartistry. Below the peach section is a section with a dark purple background and peach and pink text containing qutoes from clients.

Commissions Page

The Commissions Page has the same header and footer described in the website image description above. Below the header is a block of black text. Below the text are six images of Lizartistry graphics in a two by three grid. Each image is a link and text appears when the cursor hovers over each image. In the bottom right corner of the page, above the header, is a link to this image descriptions page.

Work Page

The Commissions Page has the same header and footer described in the website image description above. Below the header is a block of black text. Below the text are four images of Lizartistry graphics in a two by two grid. Each image is a link and text appears when the cursor hovers over each image. Below the images is black text containing two drop-down lists of links. In the bottom right corner of the page, above the header, is a link to this image descriptions page.